Saturday, April 25, 2015

Facebook Analytics

Dixie Pre-Medical Alliance is a club at Dixie that was founded last semester.They are an exclusive group of the most successful and ambitious medically minded students on campus. My target audience was primarily students interested in supplementing their academic resumes, parents or guardians of children with special needs, and those who the members of DPMA are attempting to impress to promote their carriers.

The pages profile picture is DPMA's crest, representing academic excellence along with their other values. This was an important aspect of the page in order to maintain a professional, scholastic feel with all posts. The cover photo is a group photo of the members of DPMA so as to promote the faces of those involved.

The descriptions of the page are DPMA's official purpose and mission statement. We added a link to the clubs OrgSync site so as to facilitate an area for prospective members to connect with the club. 

The analytics for the last week are on the rise. This makes sense as we hadn't been able to post in a while due to lack of events.

Page Likes
The total amount of page likes as of last week was 55. It has been on the rise, although slowly. This is to be expected as the knowledge about the club's special needs events isn't that far spread yet. This combined with the specialized interest in the page is the reasonable explanation for relatively low, although steady progression for the page.

Page and Tab Visits
This is the area where I really started to  realize where my adjustments needed to be made. While the Timeline appeared to be the most frequently visited tab overall, there were definite times where the Photos tab and the Likes tab were visited more. Because of this I wanted to have my Photos tab especially be as versatile and informative as possible.

Your Fans
As I has hoped the majority of fans were around the 18-24 range with a few in the 45-64 area. These were our two main target areas in trying to reach students and the admissions officers and senior medical experts who would be admitting/hiring them. The geographic area is satisfying for now, although in the future we would like to see our fan base rise in areas with top tier medical schools.

Fan Base Reached
The kinds of people the posts were served to is a good start to spreading the popularity and visibility of the page. Having posts reach people in Salt Lake City and L.A. is the direction we want to see the page go long term. 

Fan Base Engagement
The fans who were engaged in the posts were primarily university aged students, which serves a purpose, but also was slightly disappointing. One of the purposes of the page is so that students can share the posts so that those who look at their personal page see that they're part of this club. So having this be the main demographic engaged is a success in that way. But what would really be helpful in the long run is for higher ups to be engaging as well.  

Average Post Reach and Engagement
The status posts had the greatest amount of reach out of all post types. The greatest number of post clicks came from the photos, which makes sense, especially once I started tagging those in the photos. The more people are tagged, the more people see it and the more parents and grandparents click to see it. The link that was posted was an article about the first special needs event which a lot of the members themselves liked, making it the highest averaging for likes, comments and shares.

Total Post Reach and Engagement 
The greatest reach in the history of the page came from the photos of the special needs golf weekend. Because I have more ties in the golf community I was able to tag those Dixie players involved, increasing he overall reach.

Individual Post with Reach and Engagement
The early posts of the profile and cover photos got no likes, which was to be expected since I had a few number of likes at the time they were uploaded. But overall the posts that did the best were those that were kept simple and straightforward. At the beginning I was posting way to many photos to an album so that people got bored or intimidated by the sheer number of them. By narrowing it down to the photos that looked better and captured the essence of the event in a fewer number of pictures people were more engaged and more interested in the events. 

In conclusion this Facebook campaign was more challenging and a greater learning experience than I initially anticipated. It was challenging in the aspect of sharing administrative duties with a few of the members of DPMA. Some of the things they would post weren't up to my standards, or just weren't pertinent to the purpose of the page.Additionally, I am not a pre-med student. This was more limiting than I thought it would be as I didn't always know what exactly they wanted to be communicated, or to what end. I didn't feel like I could start conversations on the page due to my lack of knowledge of the field.  But all in all this was a great learning experience. Although I didn't know much about the target area itself I learned to figure out the things I could, and delegate the things I couldn't. DPMA loved having me and has spoken multiple times about asking another New Social Media student to take my place next semester.

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